The Author

2 New Novels For 2005

Stage Fright Legion of the dead
2 New books for 2005 are available now from all good book shops or using the link below. Stage Fright and Legion of the Dead.
See the books section for more details.

Article Posted 28th August 2005

Il Detective Invisibile

For our Italian readers the first 4 Invisible Detective books are available now in all good Italian bookshops released by Edizioni Il Punto d'Incontro as small-format hardbacks.

The series is called: Il Detective Invisibile and the books are titled:
1. Gli Automi Del Dottor B
2. Creatura Delle Tenebre
3. Soldati Fantasma
4. Tempo Assassino
The cover artwork is the same as the UK editions with some minor changes and all are priced at E8.90

Article Posted August 2005

Invisible Detective Audio Book Released

We are happy to confirm that the Paranormal Puppet Show is out as a Talking Book narrated by Glen McCready. Audio Book

ISBN: 0754098842

Article Posted 24 August 2004


The Invisible Detective Arrives In America

The Paranormal Puppet Show has been released as Double Life for the US market by G.P.Putman's Sons under their Sleuth imprint. Ghost Soldiers is to be released in February 2006

Article updated August 2005

achuka ACHUKA Childrens' Books votes us SITE OF THE WEEK!

Those lovely people at Achuka ( have voted their site of the week for 30th August to 5th September. Thanks guys!

Article Posted 3rd September 2004